Shen Shan Quarry | Annual Production of 20 Million Tons of Sand and Gravel Aggregates

Location: China
Crushed Material: Quarry
Product Used: All Types

Shen Shan Quarry reached a cooperation agreement with Stellar Heavy in the first half of 2024. Each procurement cycle, Shen Shan Quarry purchases approximately 40 tons of various types of crusher wear parts from Stellar Heavy.


Shen Shan Quarry Overview: Huizhou Jiaotou Shen Shan Green Modern Quarry Co., Ltd. is backed by a state-owned enterprise with abundant resources and policy support. The quarry possesses 30 million cubic meters of gneiss resources for construction, with an annual designed extraction capacity of 3 million cubic meters and an annual production of approximately 20 million tons of sand and gravel aggregates.


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    *Note: The names of manufacturers, part numbers, model numbers, images, and descriptions are employed solely for reference and identification purposes. These elements are the intellectual property of their respective machine manufacturers. All parts provided by Stellar Heavy are manufactured and warranted by Stellar Heavy itself, independent of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). It is important to note that Stellar Heavy has no affiliation with the OEM and does not intend to create any impression of such association.


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